City of Sails Practice 13th September 2017
Practice tonight as promised was straight onto the pipes, and straight into leading it for me. The pipe major has put Marion and myself as leaders for each of the two mini bands for next months competition.
I first led the band in the City of Sails Medley consisting of Sails Attack, The Hag At The Churn, Paddy Be Easy, Mrs Joy Cairns, Over the Bows to Ballindalloch, and The High Road to Linton. Then Marion did the same. This past between us a couple of times for just the grade 4 pipers.
We also did the grade 4 MSR. I got some feedback that my Strathspey was a bit slow. I will need to speed this up as I am used to over expression for solos, and this expression is not really achievable with the band. Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to remedy this by the end of the night.
As I am also trying to learn the harmonies, I will need concentrate more on leading in the short term and bring the harmonies back in when I have them off properly.
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